Holy Trinity Church
Church Road
Trinity Hub Office (Hall and Church)
t:01452 307871
Parish Church Hall Hire
t:01452 307871
Registered Charity No. 1178091
Photographs Tina Dorner 2025
Welcome to our website. It offers a window into Holy Trinity Church, through which we hope you can get some insight into who we are and what we offer as a Christian presence in Longlevens.
The website is also a doorway to explore what we offer, including the various groups that meet and use our Church Hall.
8.00am Holy Communion
10.15am Holy Communion
6.30pm Evening Prayer
A growing and vibrant church with an open door, enabling us to take God’s love out into the
community and to welcome and nourish with God’s love all who enter.
Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. - John 13 v34
Taste and see that the Lord is good - Psalm 34 v8